The Sad Snow People of Felony Flats - Photo Zine
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Two weeks into an unprecedented pandemic quarentine, the city of Portland, Oregon was hit with an overnight dusting of snow. Snowfall is uncommon here in the city, and though it was a small accumulation, the people of my neighborhood had clearly already reached a level of boredom, sheltering at home. The morning after the "storm," I noticed really sad, measly, snow people falling down all over my neighborhood. Their creators had rounded up every bit of snow they could from their yards, but alas, these sculptures were doomed to melt by mid-day.
These are the Sad Snow People of Felony Flats (the nickname by which my neighborhood is known to long-time locals).
20 Full Color Pages. 21 Color Photographs. Printed on heavy uncoated paper.
5.5"x8.5" landscape format. Staple bound.
Limited Edition of 100 Copies.